Mira S, Fatani H. Abduljabbar H, Scott G, Strand D.  Graduate Input for Curriculum Development.  Medical Education.  Supported by King Abdulaziz University Research Project No. 005/409.  (Accepted for publication in 1990).


2.      Mosli H, Gazzaz F, Farsi H, Abduljabbar H.  The Role of Infection in Infertility with Respect to the Jeddah Region.  Supported by King Abdulaziz University Research Project No. 026/410.


3.      Zinc in Normal Pregnancy - Master Degree Supervision Abduljabbar HSO and Kumosani T. 


4.     Abulnaja KO, El-Darderi SA, Abduljabbar HSO.  Influence of age on metabolic interelation of lipid profile in Jeddah.  Supported by King Abdulaziz University Research Project No. 162/417.


5.     Abduljabbar HSO and Kumosani T.  Biochemical parameters in Human Seminal Plasma and their relation to FertilitySupported by King Abdulaziz University Research Project No. 005/417.


5.     Abduljabbar HSO and Kumosani T.  Biochemical parameters in follicles fluids and their relation to Fertility.  Submitted to King Abdulaziz University Research Council.


6.     Abduljabbar H . umbilical cord blood  Stem cell expansion 2005 

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11/7/2008 6:42:47 PM